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Lunch Program

Helping Hands serves a healthy lunch option Monday – Friday. Families have the option to provide a cold sack lunch or purchase a daily lunch ticket or a discounted monthly pass. A monthly menu will be available on our website or posted at the Agency, can also be sent home if requested. Lunches are served at 2 different times in day program, individuals may choose which lunchtime they want to eat. The agency has ample space to sit with others or to sit alone, there is also a counter at Snack n’Chat where you can choose to socialize with others.



Daily lunch ticket: $5.00

Weekly Lunch Ticket: $20 

Monthly ticket: $50.00

*There will not be any credits if days are missed and must be purchased at the beginning of the month and paid in full.


If you are providing cold sack lunch when attending the Day Program, remember we have several people to assist with lunchtime. We will not be heating up food at lunchtime. If the individual resides in our homes the home will provide the lunch if desired, or the Agency pays for the Monthly Lunch Ticket. 

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