Vocational Programs

The Helping Hands Agency would like to proudly introduce you to our Vocational development service. Commonly referred as the Work Program, this service is designed to evaluate the needs, capabilities and goals of Helping Hands clients in regards to finding a job, establishing a career goal and assisting the client to achieve success in this area.
The purpose of this service is to help our clients identify what their work interests might be, what skills they might develop and to map out a work program designed to achieve these goals. This includes students that transition from the school setting to adulting. We would engage with the person and explore work opportunities, skills, interests and help them to set appropriate goals to achieve their vocational goal. The Agency may suggest volunteering in the community to expand the vocational vision and experience.
The goal of the work program is that clients wishing to find employment and satisfaction in the workforce will be trained and equipped with the tools and Job Coaching supports necessary to achieve successful employment. We will support them to learn new skills or instruction for skill development that may pertain to paid employment or volunteer opportunities. The Agency will visit other worksites to help expand the possibilities of jobs/careers.
The Agency has many Vocational jobs throughout the City, we contract with The City of Page for janitorial services at our local Airport, maintenance at The Sports Complex, and other contracts as needed. We also contract with our Local Public Transportation Service “Express” for maintenance of the facilities and buses.
The Agency advocates for the pre-employed, employed individuals to ensure they have access and are eligible for the same benefits, advancements, and opportunities as other employees who work the same job.